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Hello, i'm here about your procedural terrain gen project, i can't comment on it. I just wanted to know what were the graphic assets you were using. If if you had some links to the auto-tiling methods you used that would be great too. Thanks a lot, your work looks really great, love the style.

Hey, I modeled my assets myself. As for the the tiling algorithm, it's basically marching squares, but storing the data in a 2D height map so no overhangs. And instead of most marching cube algorithms which generate the mesh itself I just use pre-made tiles the I made. Hope that helps :) 

This is such a beautiful Diorama! i adore watching him go about his business! very tranquil and relaxing.

(1 edit)

Nice looking game. Cool to look at for a few minutes

This game is adorable and beautiful, love it


So Googles suggested stories told me about this game. I think you can expect a surge of players soon! Good luck. I can't wait to give this a play

So cute!